“Are you apart of culture?”
Izzy King has developed a designer shoe from behind the walls of a level 3 prison cell. “Izz Designer”, expanding at a minimum of 1.2% growth rate monthly.
“The small steps matter the most & time will bring success.” – Izzy King
Izzy is a growing artist accomplishing milestones beyond the perceived conception of what an inmate is capable of doing. His ability to break the limitations of society norms is his way of fighting for his life and freedom. Mentally & Physically.
Izzy says he spends atleast 7-9 hours mentoring his peers & sometimes his elders in the right circumstances. By the time he is able to put time into his music, brands, & books he struggles with maintaining a healthy mindset.
“I spend so much time in my head & facing myself, I lose track of time. By the time Im finishing a task I realize there is a next step. That’s one thing I keep asking myself when I finish anything, what’s next? I cried Infront of the microphone, and I’ve spent days up creating, processing, and manifesting ideas to reality.”
“Izz”, is projected to make a mark in the fashion & Music culture in the near future creating brand awareness daily. “Are you apart of culture?” Is the brand trademarked slogan that will raise your eye brow when you hear it. Izzy King has spent allot of time cultivating and molding his brand in attempt to make the fashion market.
“Izz Designer” has various markets suck as high-end fashion and low-end fashion, being more available and affordable for more people of any back ground. Izzy plans to continue his product expansion and product quality to assure an amazing experience to grow a bond with any high valued customer.
Izzy also released a single that touches basis with his dependability, business edict and ethical morals to show people he can be relatable. This song was produced & recorded within a prison cell by Izz. Some may ask or wonder how but that’s a story to be told at another time.
Two things this place taught me are never give up on something you wanna do no matter how many times people tell you that you can’t or that it’s impossible, 2nd thing is patience & understanding.
Social media:
Instagram @izz_4L
Facebook: @izz4L
Twitter: @izz4L